March 03, 2006

The e-Closure Guys Answer Some Questions!

What was the inspiration behind e-closure and the publishing of break-up letters?

Dwayne: We were both going through shitty breakups and were looking for closure. The idea hit us like a steaming sack of shit and we thought it would be fun and therapeutic to share our experiences with the world and give the other miserable souls a forum to do the same. Naked.

Charles: It was one of those magical moments where we both looked at each other deep in the eyes and said "eureka!!!!"

How soon after publishing the site did your first break-up letter come in?

Dwayne: The first anonymous letter we got was about two weeks after we launched this bad boy.

Charles: Dwayne said it made it all worth while. I said it made all of my breakups feel like warmups. Then we ate fruit rollups.

How did that first letter effect you personally? What were your thoughts or feelings when you got it?

Dwayne: The first letter changed our lives forever. We assume the feeling was the same one you get when you see your first child slip out of the vagina. We dressed it up in cute outfits and took pictures and sent it to all our friends, we called our parents and took some time off work to be with our first born. They say the beginning years are really the most important.

Charles: Since then, we've gotten so many letters that we've become VERY neglectful parents. We don't even feed our letters anymore.

Do you think it has an effect on those who submit the break-up letters? And how about on those reading the letters on your site?

Dwayne: It's gotta have an effect on the submiters. We think. Maybe. Who knows? Totally. It's like anything, some people love it and others could care less. Some relate and dig certain letters and other detest some of them. You can't please everyone. Unless you're Jesus.

Charles: We've been careful not to worry too much what the submitters feel. We're like the dentist you have who only talks to you about what he or she wrote down on the chart the first time you went to visit. Like, "hey there sport, how's school treating you?" and stuff like that. We try not to develop personal relationships with the submitters, cause then they expect us to hold their hands when they cross the road. Fuck that and fuck Jesus.

Do you find that each letter is unique or are there trends in the way break-up letters are written?

Dwayne: They're all unique in their own way and the commonalities are that it's all people trying to get answers or closure from someone they were intimate with by sharing their stories. Or they just get off on seeing their writing on the world wide web. Either or.

Charles: They are all beautiful and unique snowflakes, made of pixie dust and fairy wind.

Who has been rejected the most in your collection, men or women?

Dwayne: We can't do math. But we're pretty sure it's even. 50/50. No more. No less.

Charles: What he said. Besides, it doesn't matter who got rejected more: we're all rejected deep down inside.

Have you been surprised by any of the letters submitted? If so, how?

Dwayne: At one point we thought no one would submit, then at another point we thought the whole world would submit. So we're pleasantly surprised that anyone submitted at all. So generally we're surprised. Always.

Charles: Yeah. I live life in constant amazement. Like, "holy shit, i can't believe there's something called 'the internet'... and isn't it crazy that there are big hunks of bent metal called 'cars' and people 'driv
e' them and kill each other and pollute the air I breathe?" Life can be a feast of marvels, e-closure included.

Have you been touched by any of the letters submitted? If so, how?

Dwayne: Oui. A lot of them are so personal and well written that you can visualize what happened through the words and sometimes feel what the people in the letter felt. The best ones are the ones that are soul baring and emotionally hard to read.

Charles: I have been personally touched by the one(s) i've submitted, cause they happened to me in real life... i didn't just read them on a computer screen with my pants down. All of the other letters we've gotten touch me on some level, and it makes me feel like a creepy voyeur.

What has the response to been like?

Dwayne: Pretty rad. we have a decent little following. Our most famous readers are Brad Pitt and George Clooney. That's all they do when they get together is read our site and drink peach schnapps, so that's pretty flattering.

Charles: I've gotten some great responses from a couple of my exes, like "please don't ever post anything I sent you on your site. PLEASE."

Do you have anything planned in the future of ?

Dwayne: We just want to take over the world and be on Oprah. Is that too much to ask?

Charles: We're working on a totally made-up non-fiction book that's gonna be about our descent into cat tranquilizer addiction, and the website idea that brought us out of the k-hole.

What would you most like to see happen with your break-up letter documenting venture?

Dwayne: We'd like to open our inbox and see a thousand new letters. In one day. Or maybe every minute of that day a new thousand would show up. Yeah, that'd be sweet.

Charles: I'd like to get a breakup letter from a celebrity... like, it would be awesome to recieve the inevitable breakup letter from katie holmes to tom cruise... that one's gonna be a riot: "dear tom. I'm sick of wearing this tinfoil hat and I don't want to watch you masturbate to star trek anymore. Best of luck in your future endeavors. Kate."

What is the most important thing you'd like readers to know about your site?

Dwayne: If we didn't have you, we'd have no one. Thank you for reading, we love you, you sick bastards.

Charles: If we didn't have you, we'd find someone else. You are all the worst thing that's ever happened to us.

Any thing else?

Dwayne: Did you know that urine is sterile? You can drink it.

Charles: Also, most of the world's population is lactose intolerant. That's because cow's milk is baby food for cows, not people. (seriously. look it up.)

Thanks Guys!


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