March 09, 2006

Interview With Tim From TruthAboutDeception

The creator of gives us some great insight on dealing with lying and relationships.

More about the creator of

What inspired the creation of this site?

I have been studying, teaching, doing research on deception for over a decade. The topic is fascinating to me, everyone lies and engages in deception, but we aren't allowed to talk about it out in the open. So, I created the website, Truth about Deception, so that people could ask questions about deception, love and romance. There is a lot of curiosity about the topic, but again, it is not something that people can easily discuss with their friends, loved ones, or family.

Your web site offers some of the most precise and detailed information onthe web. Where do you get your credentials and experience?

I have spent a good part of my life studying or thinking about deception (Ihave PhD - my dissertation focused on how people lie to each other). I have done research on the topic, written academic articles about romance and deception, and I have given lectures on the topic. Studying how, when, and why people lie has revealed so many secrets about our human nature.

In general have you come to any conclusion or universal understanding about people and lying?

Lying and deception are an inherent part of our social relationships. It is impossible to have a close relationship without some form of deception. Not only are our relationships held together by telling the truth and being honest, but by telling the right lie at the right time. Social life is always more complicated than we would like it to be, and whether we like to acknowledge it or not, deception plays a large role in how we relate to each other.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Yes, really. It was and with me. We can communicate on this theme.

March 18, 2010 1:16 PM  

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